Saturday, August 16, 2008


Two Rainbows and a Brown

兩條虹鱒(Oncorhynchus mykiss)和一條棕鱒


我從小時開始釣魚,自苗栗後龍溪釣『土殺』開始,一直到現在河釣、溪釣、海釣、湖釣、有魚就釣,我對釣魚的興趣始終不減。爸爸在世的時候問我:『人家魚在水裡活得好好的,你去把它們釣起來,又有什麼意義呢?』我有時想起來,爸爸說的也是不無道理。自己又不是那麼喜歡吃魚。尤其是我受到祖父母佛教的影響,對『殺生』也有些矛盾。不殺生,那豬肉、牛排那兒來﹖你不穿皮鞋嗎?你不坐皮沙發嗎?你要獅子老虎都餓死嗎?不要說釣魚,我每天替病人開抗生素處方,不也就是『殺生』嗎﹖千千萬萬的細菌,嚴格的說起來,不也是『人家細菌活得好好的,你去把它們消滅掉…』 唉…有些事情,還是不要想太多。我現在的原則是:釣起來的魚都吃掉。不吃的魚,一律放生。那你會問:『人家魚在水裡活得好好的,你去把它們釣起來,再放回去,又有什麼意義呢?』


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Daisy Pass Trail

Excellent day hike outside Crested Butte, Colorado
Connects Baxter Basin to the NE and Democrat Basin to the SW
Approx. 7 miles north of the City of Crested Butte

Recommended Season: Late July through August
Elevation Gain: 1,855 feet if one starts at the second stream crossing (Waypoint A)
Time: 2-3 hours up
Recommend starting early in the morning and head down by noon. Thundershowers are common during summer afternoon. Reliable water source at 10,284 feet elevation.


Drive through Crested Butte, and turn north on County Road 734 just outside of the City. This is an unpaved road and it will take you northward along the Slade River. Drive pass the spur to Gunsight Pass, and continue northward on the main road. At the old townsite of Pittsburg, the road will cross the Slade River. Stay to the left of the split. If you don’t have a high clearance vehicle you will have to park your car here. I’ve driven a 4WD Suburban and a 2WD Tahoe across during high water season (Early and mid-July) without any trouble. Continue on the unmarked Forest Service road. A tributary of the Slade River will be on your left.

You can drive your car all the way to yet another stream crossing (Waypoint A). In my opinion, one should not drive pass this point unless you have a true mountain goat 4WD vehicle (a rock slide 1/8 miles up makes passage very difficult in 2008). Park your car by the stream and start hiking. Please note: This stream crossing can be dangerous, especially early in the season when water is high. If one were to be swept away, the hapless soul will be washed down a series of cataracts under snow tunnel in frigid water. If the water is high, consider turning back and try again on another day. In early July, 2008, I decided to turn back. The mountain will always be there. No need to risk your life.

The trail gains elevation through the Baxter Basin. You can see the Daisy Pass as a notch on the mountain cliff above. A lone pine tree marks the pass. One can see it for miles. As you climb higher do not miss the split to Daisy Pass (Waypoint B: Daisy Pass Split) You will climb through Alpine slopes carpeted with a profusion of wildflowers during late July and early August. The last few switchbacks are steep, and a hiking pole is of considerable help. Finally, the trail tops out at 11,656 feet (Waypoint C: Daisy Pass) The Democrat Basin is on the other side of the Pass.

Waypoint A: Second Stream Crossing: N38° 57.674’ W107° 05.299’ 9,801 ft
Waypoint B: Daisy Trail Split : N38° 57.104’ W107° 06.003’ 10,727 ft
Waypoint C: Daisy Pass: N38° 56.744’ W107° 06.151’ 11,656 ft

All readings taken with my Garmin eTrex Vista Cx GPS

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Jack's Cabin (傑克的小屋)



1875年,Jack Howe 就在這塊土地上蓋了一幢小木屋,一方面自己開墾,另一方面招待旅客住宿。在當年,這兒是洛磯山東來的礦工們赴Gunnison 採礦的必經之地。在全盛時期,每天最多可以招待五十位客人。除了旅店,他還開了郵局、酒吧,以及小小的雜貨鋪。可惜好景不長,1881 年鐵路通車之後,Jack's Cabin 就漸漸走入歷史。如今,在原址能看到的只是萋萋牧草。每當風吹草動,似乎還可以聽到蕭蕭馬嘶。

Gunnison County
